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In around the world Marketiva be familiar. Internet user and member Marketiva bring about trading forex. Invest or Non Invest of course.Marketiva is free. Create account now, is free you. Read more....
>> After create account, you get $ 5 for Live Trading and $10,000 for Virtual Trading.
>> Download Streamster software and install.
>> While trading you can chatting with member of Marketiva in around the world.
Step by step intruction to join with amillion member in Marketiva :1. Create Account in Marketiva : click here
2. Open Account and complete the form with your personal data.
3. After complete the personal data click submit, and than Download Software Streamster and install in your computer.
6. Check email, you will get email conf irmation from marketiva.
7. Login from stremster with username and password.
8. Learning streamster, you can see graphic, forum for Chatting with Customer Service or another member.
Now you can learning Trading forex with Virtual Trading in member area. $5 is real money free from Marketiva. Use $5 carefully. If you are not sure with your trade, you can use Virtual Trading. Good Luck !!!